Usage of colin in Python code

The colin CLI is only a wrapper around the colin’s python library.

All functionality can be accessed directly from the python code:

Module colin.core.colin


get_checks(target_type=None, tags=None, ruleset_name=None, ruleset_file=None, ruleset=None, logging_level=30, checks_paths=None, skips=None) : Get the sanity checks for the target.

param skips:name of checks to skip
param target_type:
 TargetType enum
param tags:list of str (if not None, the checks will be filtered by tags.)
param ruleset_name:
 str (e.g. fedora; if None, default would be used)
param ruleset_file:
 fileobj instance holding ruleset configuration
param ruleset:dict, content of a ruleset file
param logging_level:
 logging level (default logging.WARNING)
param checks_paths:
 list of str, directories where the checks are present
return:list of check instances

run(target, target_type, tags=None, ruleset_name=None, ruleset_file=None, ruleset=None, logging_level=30, checks_paths=None, pull=None, insecure=False, skips=None, timeout=None) : Runs the sanity checks for the target.

param timeout:timeout per-check (in seconds)
param skips:name of checks to skip
param target:str (image name, oci or dockertar) or ImageTarget or path/file-like object for dockerfile
param target_type:
 string, either image, dockerfile, dockertar
param tags:list of str (if not None, the checks will be filtered by tags.)
param ruleset_name:
 str (e.g. fedora; if None, default would be used)
param ruleset_file:
 fileobj instance holding ruleset configuration
param ruleset:dict, content of a ruleset file
param logging_level:
 logging level (default logging.WARNING)
param checks_paths:
 list of str, directories where the checks are present
param pull:bool, pull the image from registry
param insecure:bool, pull from an insecure registry (HTTP/invalid TLS)
return:Results instance